Monday, 22 April 2013

Cookie Monster

On Saturday evening I was in the form for some homemade cookies. In Donnybrook Fair I saw this dough in the fridge which I thought would make good cookies.

I cut the dough twice the size that they suggest for a standard cookie. I cooked them for 1 minute less than they suggest as I wanted soft bake cookies.

I was disappointed when I ate them. They just didn't taste that good and they didn't look too good either. I won't be buying them again. I do think it is clever, however, that the dough is wrapped in parchment paper that you use on your baking tray.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Dublin weather

Here's the weather for the week in Dublin, Ireland.

Looks like Monday could be nice!

Satay chicken

For dinner we had satay chicken with rice noodles and veg

Art Deco Dublin

As we walked to the Starbucks on Mespil Road this morning I saw this great Art Deco building. It's an apartment block called Cherry House. I popped in to the entrance for a gander - look at the great post boxes!!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Saturday lunch

Amy and I went to Dillingers again. We love it!! I think we may become regulars.....

Ideal Homes Show

The Ideal Homes Show was on this weekend. I met my sister in Ballsbridge and after going for a Frappuccino in Starbucks we went to the show.

It was very busy, there were a lot of people at it and it was quite difficult to see a lot of the stands. There was the usual amount of hawking and demonstrations but we managed to avoid most of this.

Amy chatted to a representative from a hot tub company based in Lisburn in Northern Ireland. While I was interested in a product that scares urban foxes away.

We also spotted Karen Koster from Ireland AM on TV3 - she looked really well, I loved her hair colour. She was with her fiancée John McGuire, owner of Dax Bar/Restaurant and former presenter of "I'm an adult, get me out of here". Karen was working at the show.

The only thing I bought was a bunch of eCloths (microfiber) for cleaning.

We walked back to Ranelagh (about 30 mins) and made it to Dillinger's just before 4 for their late brunch menu. They close at 4pm and reopen at 5pm for dinner.

Here comes the sun!

It's sunny this morning. We went to a deli for breakfast and sat outside. It's only 12 degrees but it is lovely and bright.