Wednesday 1 May 2024

Malaga in May

It's a Bank Holiday here in Malaga......and it's also raining this morning, so it's a good time to get a blog up.

I'm sorry to say that I have been remiss in writing a blog in recent times because in all honesty I am so busy. The days are long here, we get up early and walk to the outdoor exercise gym at the beach. After a workout we take a dip in the sea and then head to a cafe for a coffee. This brings us to about 11am and then when we get home we work until about lunchtime. After lunch it is more computer work and then Ciaran heads to the art studio to work. He is getting on really well in his current art residency and is working towards a showcase of his work at the end of the month (read here for more). And then it very quickly comes to dinner time (we've been eating far later here in Spain than in Ireland) and along with meeting up with friends for coffee, drinks or dinner, the time just goes!!

Here's a few pics of some of the things I've been getting up to....

La Coracha - Where I've been doing outside Bachata classes every Tuesday evening at 7pm
A gorgeous Church all lit up at night time - I took this pic as I walked home from dinner one evening
Weather has been good - I even got to wear my gifted Kate Spade sandals (Thanks Alice!)
A dip in the playa every day sets me up. We go to La Caleta which is past La Malagueta and is less busy
Another pic taken on the way home from dinner - Calle Larios 
And this is a fantastically ethereal shot of the street leading up to where we are currently staying

As I mentioned, today is a Bank Holiday here in Spain, so tonight we have been invited to dinner with friends in a gorgeous restaurant near the Cathedral. It promises to be a special night!

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