Tuesday 27 August 2024

Menu del dia

Have you heard of the Menu del Dia?

So Menu del Dia is a thing in Spain for when everyone is having their large meal at lunch time during Monday to Friday. It's a set price menu from about 12.30pm to 4pm and it generally consists of a starter, main and dessert along with a fizzy drink or an alcoholic drink like a beer or wine.

In Malaga the menu del dia cost was generally about €11 or €12 while in Madrid it is about €13-15 or so.... there are more expensive ones in high end restaurants, and then there are also cheaper menu del dias in local restaurants.

Yesterday we visited Mexkhal Cantina near Estrecho on line 1 for their menu del dia.

For €13.50 each we got all of this food, plus a coke zero and also a dessert which was either a slice of cheesecake or chocolate cake.

All really tasty and ultimately a very cost effective way of eating out!

And so having not had a menu del dia the entire time we were in both Malaga and Madrid, we then ended up having 2 within two days.

It just so happened that we had arranged to meet for lunch today with the director of the art residency that PIGSY is currently in Madrid doing (last day is tomorrow) and we went fot the most amazing menu del dia today in a Japanese sushi restaurant called Matcha. OMG, it was incredible!!  And actually consisted of 2 starter courses (one of which was 12 shi sushi) and a main plus a dessert. 

I'm so glad that we did not know about it earlier as we would be hard pressed not to go there every day!!!

Monday 19 August 2024

Sunday Cinema - Cine Verdi

 It was a cinema day in Madrid yesterday, with a visit to the gorgeous Cine Verdi to see "Alien Romulus". To get to the cinema we took the subway to Iglesia and from there it is a short walk. 

The movie was great.....especially since I had never seen another Alien film ever before!

We went to the 4pm show time which meant that the tickets were a bargain price of €4.90 and we were then home in time for dinner at 7pm.

When we got out of the cinema we decided to walk a little of the way as it had cooled down a little bit. So we walked to Cuatro Caminos and then got on the subway there. When we got out at our stop we then went to the supermarket where I bought some prawns for dinner. For some reason I had been hankering prawns in garlic and butter and in fairness they hit the spot!

Sunday 18 August 2024

Date night in Madrid

We celebrated our Wedding Anniversary the other day (23 years!!) by going out for a lovely meal in Madrid city.

On a visit to the Carmen Thyssen Museum a few days previously we had wandered past Primo Mexican Restaurant with both of us thinking that it looked like a nice place to eat. So we made a reservation for 7.30pm - we really didn't need to make a reservation as (1) it's August - Madrid is empty and (2) no one eats this early in Madrid! Lol

We got the metro to Sol and the restaurant is just a short walk from here

We ordered Duck Tacos to share for what we thought would be a starter - but all the food came out together. This was fine, as in fairness, the food was perfectly timed and did not come out too quickly.

I had skirt steak for my main and Ciaran had a burrito.

The duck tacos were devine and I would order them again. The skirt steak came with a mole that had a really intense flavour to it, so delicious.
The burrito was huge!! This photo does not show how packed full of cheese, rice and meat it was. 
All of the food was so tasty and really filling - so filling that we certainly didn't have room for dessert!

After dinner we wandered around the city in order to walk our dinner off. The temperature was perfect as it cooled off after the high temp of the day.

Above is a pic of the cocktail bar in Galeria Canelajas which is a high end luxury mall (pic of the building is below) that is attached to the Four Seasons Hotel in Madrid. We went down to the foodhall as we considered getting a dessert if there was a nice cheesecake on offer. However as we were very full after dinner we forgo it, anyway there was only a gelato and crepe dessert offering so this wasn't something that really interested us.
Look at that beautiful blue sky!

After a lovely time in the city, we headed home to relax for the evening. I think it was about 10pm when we got home which is late for us! 

All in all an absolutely great celebration.......