Showing posts with label Christmas preparation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas preparation. Show all posts

Sunday 10 December 2017

Christmas is coming and the tree is up!

Christmas is coming!

I made the trip up to my attic to get down my Christmas tree and all the decorations that go with it. This year, however, I went for a more pared down look and only decorated my tree along with a few small ornaments on the mantle piece.

I was glad to see all my decorations organised in to clear boxes. When packing away your decorations at the end of the season it is worth making the extra effort to do it neatly and in a systematic way. The effort always pays off the next year when you are unpacking them.

And here's my tree all set up with the usual Barbie at the top.

This year my favourite ornament is my Key West Little White House chair (a present from my twin sister Amy). Hanging this little charmer made me think of my recent trip to Key West.

Last Sunday morning before I put up my tree, Amy and I met early and went to Aldi to get Christmas jumpers. I got three matching ones for myself, Ciaran and Bones the dog. We will be truly kitted for Christmas when we are decked out in our jumpers!