Showing posts with label Maragogype Nespresso. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maragogype Nespresso. Show all posts

Sunday 9 November 2014

Nespresso Maragogype Special Reserve

I visited the new Nespresso Store in Duke Street (it's very impressive!) the other day to buy coffee.

After listening to the sales attendant talk to me about the Maragogype special reserve coffee I bought a few packs. However,  I got a shock when he totaled up my purchases and at this point I enquired how much the Maragogype were (he had casually said they were a "little" more expensive than the other limited edition coffees).

Turns out each pack was €12 each!  Hardly a "little" more expensive than most of the other coffee which sells at about €4 a pack.

Look at this precious coffee - each of these little capsules is worth €1.20 each!!

I made a coffee at my coffee bar to see what this reserve coffee is like.

It did make a tasty coffee with a more generous crema than normal.

The marketing blurb describes this coffee as "a grand cru with a rare and exquisite taste"

Perhaps my palate isn't so refined - I thought it was a good coffee but I don't know if it quite lived up to the marketing blurb.  Or maybe it needs to be drank out of the special Riedel glass (created in partnership with Nespresso) in order to enhance the tasting experience.  Who knows?! 

For me coffee is coffee.......on the other hand a good vodka is a good vodka that is to be savored and appreciated!!!