Showing posts with label Nostalgia for Ireland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nostalgia for Ireland. Show all posts

Friday 27 November 2020

Nostalgia and shopping


After yesterday's Morris Minor blog I was feeling very nostalgic. Then when we went about Malaga city today to do a few chores, I began to feel even more nostalgia.

The first place we had to stop off was at the old school Cristaleria to collect a painting that Ciaran had left in to there to be framed for an upcoming exhibition in La Casa Amarilla Gallery where his studio is based.

We collected the  the painting (which we were both so pleased with - the framers did a brilliant job) and after dropping it off at his studio we then continued on our way.

Traditional Spanish Handicrafts

Ciaran spotted a small leather shop and given that he had mentioned he needed a belt just this morning he said he would go in and see if they had one. I said I would follow him across the road after I had a good look in the most fabulous shop window that we were standing at. Here's the pics - I hope you enjoy looking just as much as I did (apols for the glare of the glass)
Traditional baby clothes in a shop window in SpainImages of handmade baby clothes in a shop in Malaga

Picture of a handmade traditional communion gown in a Spanish shop window in MalagaTraditional window display of baby clothes in Malaga shop

All of these handmade pieces of children's and baby's clothing were so beautiful and it gave me a feeling of nostalgia as the window display was reminiscent of draperies that used to exist in towns all over Ireland. These looked very upmarket and due to their handcrafted nature had quite a high price - the main Communion dress was over 400 euro.

Belt Shop

And then it was over to the belt shop for me to find Ciaran waiting for his belt to be punched with some extra holes along with a buckle being attached (what great service). A lovely brown leather belt for 7 euro which he immediately put on after paying!

All of these little shops sure make shopping fun, and when wandering about doing chores there is always something extra to be found - it reminds me of simpler times in Ireland!

PIGSY art news 

Speaking of Ciaran, there is a lot going on with his artwork. DesignYard are holding an online exhibition of work created here in Malaga when we left Dublin after lockdown. Titled "Seven Spanish Angels" - you can read about it here.

And he was featured in the Sur in English Newspaper today!

Newspaper article about expressionist Irish artist on the Costa del Sol paints in Malaga and is featured in the Sur in English Newspaper

Here's a video of the art works that are in the DesignYard virtual showcase

And after this event the next thing for PIGSY is a group exhibition leading up to Christmas in La Casa Amarilla......more to follow on this later.

Thanks as always for reading my blog, stay safe and enjoy The Late Late Toy Show if you are watching it later!!  
I will be watching....just for the nostalgia, of course ;-)