Showing posts with label iWhite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iWhite. Show all posts

Friday 15 August 2014

Dental haul - Orabrush & iWhite

I went to Boots chemist today to buy a nail file and nail buffer and ended up leaving with this.

iWhite whitening toothpaste and mouthwash was on sale at 50% off.  It promises to instantly brighten your teeth - that is a big promise!!  On their website it says that your teeth can get 8 shades brighter in just 20 minutes.  Pretty impressive if it does but the cynic in me is doubtful!

I also got a tongue brusher/scraper that has an "As seen on Youtube" brand on it.  I went for a search on Youtube and found this informative(!) video.

It seems that for a limited time you can also get a free Orabrush tongue cleaner HERE.
You can also read about Dr Bob Wagstaff and how he got the Orabrush to market here.