Thursday, 18 July 2013

The Summer is on!

The Summer is definitely on here in Ireland.  Gearing up for a sunny weekend with the mini heat wave we are experiencing.

It's 9am and I'm sitting outside Starbucks having coffee.  Generally (even in Summer) only smokers sit outside in Ireland!!

Monday, 15 July 2013

Fade Street Social

I like this place!  

The bar on the roof has a great vibe and the place is very buzzy (albeit very loud in the restaurant when eating).

Duck mousse

Meat selection




Micro vegetables

La Bodega

La Bodega, Ranelagh (Tapas restaurant) - Great food and friendly staff

Cheese selection - served with bread

Prawns in garlic & chilli oil

Baked rice with chicken & chorizo

Calamari - I love it!

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Smart Car Gathering

2 years ago my sister and I organised a Smart Car Meet up in Dublin.  It was a lot of fun and we got 11 Smart Cars at the event.  We intended to organise a meetup again in 2012 but never got around to it.  Instead we travelled to a Smart Car meet in Belfast.

This year we got around to organising a meet yesterday.  It went so well and we got 12 Smart Cars in total!  What a result.

We held it in the Phoenix Park and met in Farmleigh (originally we planned it for  Ashtown Castle but had to relocate due to the Phoenix Park Concerts).  Ireland is currently experiencing a mini heatwave so the weather was just perfect.

We had a guy travel from Galway for the event and two ladies (with their two dogs) travel from Northern Ireland.

Have a look here for pictures of the event.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Liberty Building

The Liberty Insurance Building (formerly the Q Building) is the tallest building in Blanchardstown.

I generally dislike this building but in the sun today it looked quite good.

Bread feast!!

I stopped in to Lidl before work - their bread shop is so good.  They bake all the pastries fresh on their premises.

Then it was off to Starbucks for breakfast before work.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Cocktail time!

Cocktail time!

I got this cocktail mix in Dunnes Off Licence.  It says it contains alcohol but not what type of alcohol.  I bought the Citrus Daiquiri but there were others available.

You stick them in the freezer and then squeeze them out in to a glass - kind of like a slushy!

They are marketed as a "Squeeze & freeze" cocktail. 

Generally I make my own cocktails (Caipirosca & Cosmo) but I like the convenience of these.  They are probably full of sugar but sure I'll give them a whirl!