Saturday 6 October 2012

Taste explosion!

My twins sister makes the most beautiful canapes - I call them "Taste Explosions"!!! Here's step by step instructions with pictures of how to make them.

1. Spread a generous smear of cream cheese on bite size 
blinis (mini pancakes)

2. Pour a few drops of sweet chilli sauce on the cream cheese

3. Top with smoked salmon 

4. Season with black pepper

These canapes are totally delicious - I recommend eating them in a single bite!!

Here are a few more canapes and nibblies that we made:
Smoked Salmon on Brown Bread with lemon garnish

Black Olives, Charcuterie of Italian Prosciutto & Spanish Ham, Cheese selection, Crackers and Red Pepper Hummus.

And here we are along with friends enjoying wine and nibblies!

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