Sunday 14 October 2012

Christmas is coming!

We called in to Brown Thomas in Dublin City after visiting "Yo! Sushi" for Sushi Sunday.  I couldn't believe it - the Christmas Shop was already open!!  I was in my element!  Ciaran was not too impressed, he said it should be against the law to sell Christmas items before Halloween.  Here's a few pictures of all the beautiful decorations.



  1. I totally agree, nothing Christmassy until November...

    Gill in Canada


  2. I discussed this with my husband and he said that he thinks Christmas puts an awful lot of pressure on families that can't afford it. While I have to agree with him I also think that it can really uplift others. Personally I love it and I love the run up to it. The earlier it start, the happier I am!

  3. Inga loves Christmas !!!!


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