Today once again a group of people came together in Dublin and with enthusiasm and hard work turned piles of boxes, wrapping paper, cellophane and food in to Christmas Hampers for people all over Dublin City.
Each hamper gets a ham and a chicken along with a batch of vegetables and then items such as a bottle of coca cola, tube of pringles, canned soup, tea bags, coffee and a box of biscuits. Additional items include pasta, sauce, breakfast cereal, jam and paper products including kitchen roll.
A lot of the food is donated by corporate companies (thanks Coca Cola and others!) and other items are collected through different avenues. I set a box up in my workplace and my colleagues generously donated a huge amount of goods.
Donations of money are also needed in order to buy some of the produce. This is where one particular Irish celebrity has stepped up for the past few years and given a huge amount of financial support which has helped the Basket Brigaders achieve their goal. What an amazing boy - he sure is in a "zone" of his own. Thanks KD.
Nearly 200 hampers were made and numbered and then delivered to different home settings.
Basket Brigade is an annual event that I do along with my twin sister and our best friend Alice. We enjoy working on this project and afterwards we always go for lunch in Pitt Bros which is a nice wrap up for the day.

All in all a great day. Brilliant to catch up with the girls and great to try and do some good and help people in need at this special time of year.
If you are interested in getting involved with Basket Brigade have a search for it on Facebook - volunteers are always needed - the more the merrier!