At lunch time I popped up to the main street and bought some workout gear. I needed something to wear to bikram yoga tomorrow as I had got rid of all my old gear during a Marie Kondo clear out. In fairness, my gear was all over 5 years ago so it was well ready to go and was certainly done sparking joy!
After work I stopped off for a burger in 5 Guys. It was just one of those days where I felt like I needed a treat. I didn't eat the bun though because I'm eating keto these days.

Afterwards, I went for a little wander around the Frascatti Centre and I bought a pair of cuff links for CiarĂ¡n for Valentine's Day.
And later when I got home, I took the dog for a walk which was great as the weather was lovely and mild. He was glad of the walk after being cooped up all day and I was glad of it too!