Saturday 17 June 2023

Home made bunting - no sew method

Over the years I've made bunting in a variety of different ways and if you do a search on this blog you will see lots of results of my efforts. The most time consuming way is when I sew fabric triangles together and then sew the doublesided triangles to ribbon - see this here.  The results for this method are great and it makes long lasting high quality bunting.

But I have devised a no-sew method for making bunting which is quick and fun. 

It involves cutting triangle shapes our of pretty fabric to your taste, using a pinking shears. And then when you have your triangles cut out  you simply iron them on to ribbon using "Wundaweb" which is normally used for repairing hems but works perfectly when you put it between the ribbon and the fabric.

I would say it took me less than 2 hours to make 4 buntings (approx 3 metres each) and cost less than €20 - it would have cost me less if I had used scrap fabric but I needed to buy a metre of fabric in Hickey's as I donated my scrap fabrics to a charity shop after a recent house spring clean.  Hickey's were having a Summer sale and had 20% off craft fabrics so it helped keep the cost down.

I had planned to buy readymade bunting (the Carolyn Donnelly range in Dunnes always has nice bunting) but it was far more fun in the end to make my own!

Here's pics of my no-sew bunting - it's been hung in preparation for our neighbourhood street party which used to be held annually but I think this may be the first one since Covid.

And here's a pic of what I brought to the neighbourhood street party - a little charcuterie plate!

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