Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Lidl - 4th of July

Obviously we don't mark American Independence Day in Ireland, however over the years lots of shop have started selling speciality items and 4th of July parties are becoming somewhat popular - particularly if it falls on the weekend.  Bars promote the event in order to bring in more patrons.

The German supermarket Lidl is selling some special products for 4th of July celebrations.  Most of them I would think are vaguely American.......except for fajitas.  Are fajitas not Mexican??

Monday, 1 July 2013

Fast day

It's a fast day of 500 cals today. 


Lunch: Hummus

Dinner: Small bowl of All Bran & rocket leaves salad

After work we got in to the hot tub for the first tine since we refilled.  The water was sparkling and perfectly warm.  It was divine.  After our soak we went straight to bed - surprisingly unhungry.  However, Ciaran did say he felt like making cheese and crackers even though he wasn't hungry but that it was just habit.  

It was Ciaran's first day fasting - men can eat 600 cals on the 5:2 diet. For breakfast he had muesli sprinkled with seeds.  Lunch was 2 poached eggs, half a tomato & a slice of multigrain toast. Dinner was a banana and an apple.  He then went for a physio session followed by a boxing class.  He got home about 15 mins before me at 8.30pm.

Sunday, 30 June 2013

A thrill at breakfast

Yesterday evening we decided we would have breakfast at home this morning.  While I started in making breakfast Ciaran went to get coffee and the newspaper.

As we ate breakfast and read, Ciaran turned a page in the supplement to reveal a picture of our house. What a thrill!

The Irish Architecture awards are on this Thursday so the Sunday Times were doing a feature on some of the short listed projects.

What a great start to the day to see a picture of where you were sitting in one of the major national newspapers.  Quite surreal!

Busy weekend

We've had a full weekend catching up on lots of chores that we needed to do after our holiday.

Yesterday we cleaned the house from top to bottom and then filled the hot tub.

Today Ciaran had to bleed the hot tub as there was an air lock in it.  Once he did this is started heating up nicely.  Nearly hot enough for a dip as I write.

Today I took my car for the NCT retest. Handed over €28 to get a 1 minute cursory glance at the lights and then get my cert printed off.  My car is officially back roadworthy. Phew! ;-)

After the test we went to TK Maxx for a quick browse before we went to Maplins.  I had picked up some cute cocktail napkins but when I went to pay I saw the queue was waaay too long so I left them back.

We then went to Maplin for an aerial to hook up the new TV in our bedroom.  When we got home Ciaran climbed into the attic to see if he could set up the aerial there.  We got no reception so I connected it to the back of the TV - still no reception.  I called the TV helpline number in the UK.  They gave me a few tips and helped me troubleshoot.  At one point I had Ciaran on a stepladder hanging out the window with the aerial.  We got it sorted and we are now hooked up to the digital service offered by the Irish government - all 9 channels (without having to position Ciaran with his arm out the window!).  Downstairs we are connected to UPC and we have about 100 channels, including the newly added TLC which we discovered when we returned from our holidays.

In the afternoon we popped in to Cinnamon for a carafe of Malbec - me likey! Later I heated up lasagne for dinner which was enjoyed by both of us.

Now we are relaxing watching the box set of The House of Cards starring Kevin Spacey which is excellent!

In good news, as we left Cinnamon we saw a sign in Coffee Society.  Looks like they are reopening. Wonderful!

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Pig & Heifer

Pig & Heifer New York Delicatessan - a taste of America

We split a "Hot Colin" sandwich for lunch.  It was so good!!! We both said it tasted like America!

It was my first time here and I loved it!! 

Bretzel Bakery

While we were in Key West, we cycled to the Eaton Bakery for breakfast most mornings.  Their freshly pastries were delicious, the coffee was good and they also had freshly squeezed orange juice.

Now that we are home in Ireland I wanted to recreate that lovely start to the day.  So this morning after dropping a pair of Ciaran's shoes to the cobbler and calling in to the vet with Bones, we walked to the Bretzel Bakery in Portobello.  It is a bakery that has been around since 1870 and it's in the Jewish Quarter of Dublin and is also a kosher bakery.

I was impressed when I saw the place and when I first entered the shop.  However I quickly became disappointed. They had no apple Danish and they didn't do coffee.  

I got a pain au chocolate and Ciaran got an almond croissant.  We then walked to Nick's for coffee where we sat outside and ate the pastries. Omg, further disappointment.  The pastries were doughy and tasteless. They should have been light and buttery but they were not one but.  It was not like KW at all.  :-(

But it means that I get to choose another bakery next weekend!!

Bones sitting patiently outside

Look at the size of the pain au chocolates!! (That is about the only positive thing I can say about them)

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Tayto Chocolate

Tayto is a famous brand of Irish made potato chips or as the Irish say "crisps".

A few months ago Tayto came out with a limited edition Crisp Chocolate bar.  I've been searching to buy one for ages for a colleague in work who loves Tayto.  It has been selling out instantly when it arrives in shops.

This morning when I was in the petrol station I saw it so I instantly bought a bar to take in to work to give my friend.  I wonder what it tastes like!!!

By the way, have you ever eaten a crisp sandwich? 2 slices of white bread, butter and a packet if Tayto crisps.  Not my thing but plenty of Irish people (particularly students) love it.