Sunday 10 January 2016

Morning Cinema Trip

We enjoy going to the cinema on Sunday. I like to go early while Ciaran prefers going in the afternoon. He definitely would have liked to lie on this morning after travelling home from Ennis yesterday. However, I was up by 9am so I woke him and we walked the dog to Butler's for a coffee and then went on to the 11am showing of Daddy's Home at Cineworld.

Daddy's Home is a typical comedy and not really as funny as I hoped. I probably wouldn't recommend it unless there was nothing else you wanted to see on offer. But it passed the time and I enjoy going to the cinema no matter what we see.

After the cinema we left the Smart Car to be washed and valeted while we went for coffee in Starbucks Rathmines and then bought dinner in Dunnes Stores in the Swan Centre. I'm on a salmon buzz so I got salmon darnes with sweet potato wedges. Delicious!

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