However, things have changed for me in recent times. I have got a new job with a shorter commute. The shorter commute gives me the opportunity to cycle to work and get nearer to my goal of turning us in to a one car household.
So on Wednesday I set off on the 11km cycle to my new workplace. It was a beautiful cycle out by the coast but with about 10 minutes to go, it started bucketing rain. I got soaked.
I got so wet that I had to go buy a new pair of trousers before I went in to work!
I then got rained on again when I cycled home. Well this is Ireland!
So when I got home my mind was made up. I loved the cycle to work and would do it again the next day but I also really needed to buy good rain wear.
I blogged about the amazing Georgia in Dublin range in the past and decided that now was the time to buy their innovative rain skirt and "leggits"
I knew that Georgia in Dublin was sold in The Design House which is a gorgeous shop that sells the most fantastic handcrafted and Irish designed items.
Having Friday off work I took a trip in to the city (by bike of course!) to purchase my rain skirt in The Design House.

In The Design House I was most ably assisted by a friendly gentleman who helped me find my size of clothing and who also chatted to me about the range and how great it is.
I decided to buy the rain skirt in black and the leggits in an olive green colour. The leggits slip on over your shoes so, like the rain skirt, are convenient for cyclists to quickly cover up if it begins to rain on a cycle.
After buying my leggits and rain skirt I loaded up my crate with all of my purchases including some items I had bought in M&S.
When I got home I tried on my new rain gear.
Here I am suited and booted....

Georgia in Dublin also do fabulous jackets for over the rain skirt and while they are stunning they are also quite pricey so I might have to wait until my birthday before I get the matching jacket.
So until then it is my old luminous jacket that will have to do!
My next purchase from Georgia in Dublin will be the polar gloves and cuffs which I spotted in The Design House store. I didn't know that they did gloves, but was happy to see them, as in the middle of getting rained on a thought had struck me that waterproof gloves would be of use.
Here's the link for their gloves on the Georgia in Dublin website.
You can also check out their website to see where your nearest stockist is. However, even if you can't find a shop near your home you will be glad to know that Georgia in Dublin ship internationally!