Here's my tips for looking your best on vacation.
I love how my hair looks when I am on holidays. When I am by the beach the salt water gives my hair great body and it looks beachy and relaxed. Currently I am overdue a hair cut and my highlights also need to be touched up.
However, I am waiting until the week before I go away to get my hair done. This means that it will look its best for my trip!
In order to get a good tan while away you need to have ultra moisturized skin. While in the shower I use a body scrub to remove any dead skin and I've been religiously using lotion and cream every day and after showering. As an extra you could also use a tanning moisturizer which will give you a tan base......but I'm not too bothered about this.

In order to get in to your best shape, it's best to start a good workout plan about 8-12 weeks before you go away. Unfortunately, I didn't give myself that length of time. However, I am currently using a Fitness Blender Workout programme which seems to be working! I would also recommend cutting carbs and eating clean in order to lose a few pounds. Eating non processed food is an easy way to do this.

I will be exposing my feet on my holidays when I wear my nice holiday shoes so I need my feet to be in good shape. I do find that once you have spent a day or two on the beach, your feet feel really good. Walking in the sand massages off dead skin and bring your feet up really nicely. Currently I have been using an awesome L'Occitane foot cream which is really moisturizing and smells so good.
Other than all of the above(!) I'm not doing anything else.
I'm currently using this Cidal soap. It's cheap and cheerful, available in Boots, grapefruit flavoured and totally gorgeous!!! You need to get some! :-)

Do you have any tips to get bikini ready for vacationing?