Friday 30 April 2021

What I LOVE about Malaga

I've jotted down just some of the things that I love about Malaga!

Dog Friendly

Dogs are not only welcomed in shops, restaurants, cafes and bars but they are positively doted on! Seeing dogs in clothes shops is something that I don't think I'll ever not find it strange......but in fairness it was convenient to pop in for a browse in S'Fera one day with Bones in tow.

Pictured is a dog loose lead wandering around a shop.  As you do in Malaga......

Cycle Friendly

The city is mainly pedestrianized (but new laws have been introduced that you have to push your bike in these areas) and there a lot of top quality bike lanes in parts of the city. The cycle out to the Russian Museum and La Termica on the bike lanes is particularly pleasant and achievable by all ages when using the bike lane


As mentioned above, there are very few places you can drive in the city. If people bring their car to the city, they park in massive underground car parks and wander in to the centro. The city being pedestrianized makes it spotlessly clean and I would image it has very good air quality. Being car free means that public road ways are used for  cafe and bar outdoor seating which is a great way to enjoy the fabulous Malaga weather.

Haberdashery, Fabric and Leather shops

Yes there are still haberdashery shops operating in the the city. Want a piece of cord or a piece of ribbon - take your pick of numerous shops that sell these things. There are also lots of fabric stores in a particular area of the city and then you will also find small leather shops that sell belts, bags and other leather goods. Ciaran bought a hand made belt in one of the shops and the owner cut it to size, punched holes in the belt and added a loop to it. Ciaran then went and lost a ton of weight about 5 months later(!) so he went back to the shop and had it adjusted getting more holes punched and a bit of it lobbed off. How great is that?!

Small unique stores (not chains) add so much to the culture, charm and ambiance of a city

Panaderias / Bakeries and Bread shops

Another of the charming type of shops that adds to the atmosphere of the city - there are panaderias all over the place. When we first arrived we happily partook in this tradition and bought homemade bread every few days and shared a Napolitana (sort of like a Pan au Chocolate) every day when we were doing our Spanish course as the sweet treat at morning coffee break really helped us get through the struggles of lessons! We've given this habit up since we went back on keto a while back - remember I mentioned Ciaran needing his belt taken in, this is why!!!

Malaga is a Living City

People live in Malaga. So when the tourists all stopped visiting due to Covid there was still a bit of activity around the city. OK, so it is very quiet (it is definitely a unique time to be experiencing the city and probably the greatest in recent times) but it is not a ghost town by any means. 

Cafe Culture

The cafe culture is vibrant. Everyone in Malaga loves to chat over coffee in the morning and then a cana of beer in the afternoon or a glass of wine, leading in to a slow late dinner with family and friends. There is a buzz around the place outside cafes and restaurants most of the day.

Art Scene

Because I am involved in PIGSY art, I am seeing tons of art. Malaga has lots of galleries both private and state run. I love the attitude that the people I meet have towards art and artists. They are so respectful and show a reverence for art. Perhaps this comes from being the home town of the art great Picasso?

See here for details of Art Galleries and Museums in Malaga


We have found Spanish people in Malaga to be very friendly. They love dogs and always chat to us about Bones - particularly older people which is very nice. When we go out and if we are struggling with speaking Spanish most people we encounter have no problem by helping us and speaking English. Our taxi driver yesterday was a lovely man and told us all about his two brothers - one living in Dublin, the other in Belfast (conversation was in full Spanish) he then went on to say that he doesn't think the Irish and English are alike but that he thinks the Spanish and Irish are more alike. I have to agree!!


Bins are EVERYWHERE and there are large crews of council staff on foot who regularly empty the bins and sweep the streets. Every morning about 4.30am the street that we live on is hosed down by the council. Possible due to the fact that if you were to compare where we are living now in Malaga with Dublin, you might say we live in a Temple Bar like area of town. Luckily it is very very quiet at the moment due to the pandemic and low volume of people in the area. 

For household rubbish in the city there are large communal bins made up of a small looking bin in the street that drops the rubbish underground when you place your bag in. These bins are then collected daily by crews. It's a great system! Recycling of cardboard and plastic is also provided.

Public Transport

Buses and Trains are regular and cost effective. Yesterday we took the bus to Marbella, going on the slow less direct bus on the way there (stopping in Torremelinos and Fuengirola) it took about 90 mins. The return journey on the more direct bus was 60 mins. Tomorrow we are heading to Fuengirola to meet up with a friend but will take the train and not the bus. The train is modern and extremely comfortable. For info the bus to Marbella was less than 7 euro each way.

Convenient access

From Ireland you can conveniently get to Malaga with one short plane ride with Aer Lingus or Ryanair. From the airport there is an airport in to the city centre or you can take the train which leaves you up at the river in the city. 

I'm glad to share a few of the things I love about Malaga with you - let me know if you have visited and what are your favorite things!

Friday 23 April 2021

The Old Knitting Factory in Carraroe

 The Old Knitting Factory in Carraroe

Back in 2017, I spent a few weekends in The Old Knitting Factory in the Gaeltacht area of Galway in the small village of Carraroe. 

The little cottage is on the banks of Loch on Mhuillin and I spent a few different weekends there. One trip was with my twin sister and my husband while the other was with my twin sister and our best friend. It is beautiful tranquil place - at the time of my visit there was no mobile data coverage, so I was able to take a complete digital detox which added to the tranquility of the place!

It's great to hear the news and developments of what is going on in the cottage now. Best selling author Betsy Cornwall is working on setting up an artist residency for single mothers in The Old Knitting Factory. I'm excited to see it all evolve for her and how she creates her dream.

PIGSY has written a great blog all about the history of The Old Knitting Factory - click here to read it. It also gives further information about Betsy's plans for the cottage.

Sunday 18 April 2021

Saturday in the Charity Shop

Saturday Volunteering

It was busy with customers on Saturday in the Charity Shop and I did plenty of retrieving items from the window display for customers to take a close look at or try on. After a customer tried on an item of clothing, it then needed to be replaced in the window. There are two windows in the shop and one of them had a Summery blue clothes theme going on. The other window was all about white dresses with red accessories and there was also some red household glasses like a set of gold trimmed red tumblers.

Mannequin Change Up - Ella Boo

I changed out a mannequin display for this really bright dress and jacket combo. Interestingly from googling, it seems that ELLA Boo is an Irish designer and is available for sale in McElhinnys Store which is the go to place for "Mother of the Bride" wedding outfits for Irish women.

Check out some pics of it here

I accessorized the outfit with a bright orange necklace which looked great. It's a bright outfit for sure - but I think the Costa del Sol is the place to get away with wearing such a nice bright color. I reckon it was a wedding guest outfit and can visualize it with a nice statement head piece.

This outfit is now available in Cudeca in Plaza de Merced for €14.

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Do you do bone broth?

Bone Broth

Have you ever had Bone Broth? 

So simple to make - you literally just bung bones in a pot and leave them simmer for 12-24 hrs and what you are left with is a pretty much a collagen rich gelatinous stock. 

At home in Ireland, on cold days I used to heat up bone broth I stored in the fridge and drink a cup of delicious bone broth which I only needed to add salt and pepper to it, to my taste. See my post about Bone Broth written back in 2015 here.

Here in Spain, I use bone broth as a base for sauces which I then bake meat in or I cover the vegetables with the sauce (really good if the sauce is cheesy!).

Here's a pic of the bone broth that I have just poured through a sieve in to a jug. It now goes in to the fridge to set. The other picture is of a cauliflower, bacon & cheese bake that I made with a bone broth that was in the fridge from yesterday - it will be served with chicken wings. Yum!

Liquid Gold

And if my post has got you curious about Bone Broth, check out the video below where nutrition consultant Dr Kellyann Petrucci talks all about Bone Broth.....or as she calls it "Liquid Gold"!

Tuesday 6 April 2021

Ode to the avocado!

Spanish Avocados

Oh boy! We've been eating tons of avocados these days for two reasons. One is that we are both eating keto but the second reason is because the Spanish avocados that we have been getting here in Malaga are A-mazing!! 

I've served them along side most of the meat that we have been eating over the past few weeks and have even mixed them up with steamed brocolli along with cheese sauce. One day I fried them alongside bacon - and that sure worked well.

I got these avocados in Mercadona just off Paseo de Redding (40 minute round trip of a walk from our apartment) and they are so tasty. They are soft, buttery and just perfect - and they were grown in Velez-Malaga which is probably less than 50 miles away!!

They will make a tasty accompaniment to chicken wings this evening - all the avocado needs is a squeeze of lime juice.

Being high fat, avocados are the perfect keto food. And speaking of keto food, check out the video below of cheesy egg bites. I've made these before at home in Ireland and they come out great. I've no pan here in Spain so I will have to wait until we get back to Ireland to eat them again!

Keto Egg Bites a la Starbucks

Sunday 4 April 2021

El Meson de Cervantes, Malaga

 Art Opening Celebrations

We haven't been out in ages as we tend to cook at home and eat on the terrace which seems much safer than eating in some of the busy restaurants on the busy streets of Malaga.

However, with the successful opening of the PIGSY exposición in La Casa Amarilla, we booked in to El Meson de Cervantes for dinner to mark the event a week ago Saturday night. 

El Meson de Cervantes

It is a great restaurant that is normally very busy but with no tourists in town it was quiet. We were sat in a lovely corner with no one seated beside us. It was also quiet because we like to eat early compared to most in Spain and had booked the table for 7.30pm - however, we did manage to stay out until 10.30pm which is late for us!

Here's some pics of the great food. It is only "some" pics because as soon as I have a glass of wine in my hand and as the food keeps coming to the table, I quickly forget to continue taking pics!!

"I Went to Mass" by PIGSY

The original finish date of the PIGSY exhibition was April 6th but it now extended until April 20th which is great. The gallery also stayed open over Santa Semana which was also great to allow for more people to visit! 

We are now planning and thinking of where to go out for another celebration meal when the exhibition ends on April 20th - watch this space!

Siesta in the Square

I should mention that the opening day of the show, while very busy, wasn't all work. During siesta the gallery went very quite (very typical here as no one goes to shops during the long lunch) so we took the opportunity to go for a glass of wine and some cana's of beer with author and journalist Tony Bryant of the Sur in English. He's such an interesting guy and great company to hang out with. He has given PIGSY some great write ups in the paper.

Easter Sunday

I'm writing this today on a not so typical Easter Sunday for us. We didn't get each other an egg as we are both on Keto and usually we would have a nice restaurant booked (see here & here) for a special Easter lunch......but not this year. But to start the day we are heading for a stroll down the marina and will stop for a coffee somewhere to enjoy the ambiance and chill and chat!

Where ever you are in the world, Happy Easter to you and yours - have a great day!

Monday 29 March 2021

Exciting times in Malaga

PIGSY Exhibition opening in Spain!

Well it sure has been exciting here in Malaga over the past few days.  The PIGSY art exhibition opening on Saturday after two publications picked up on the story leading up to the show. On Wednesday an article came out in The Gloss which is an Irish Times publication And then on Friday there was an article in the SUR in English newspaper here in Malaga (it is circulated in the Costa Del Sol area).

La Casa Amarilla, Malaga

The previous exhibition came down on Wednesday and PIGSY then started the hang of his exhibition in preparation for opening on Saturday. They run a tight ship in La Casa Amarilla and they have an excellent hanging system for the old brick wall in the gallery - paintings are hung on metal suspension cables away from the wall. 

Here's a pic of the window the night before opening:

PIGSY "I Went to Mass" Solo Art Exhibition Opening

Here's a few pics from the day. There was a great buzz in the gallery and a very large audience of people viewed the exhibition throughout the day from 12pm until 8pm.

Sponsored by Cervesas San Miguel

Back home in Ireland, PIGSY's previous exhibition was sponsored by an Irish craft beer maker. But here in Spain it was sponsored by San Miguel Beer!

Here's a pic of the main man and myself:

PIGSY face mask

During the exhibition, I wore my PIGSY art face mask. I'm happy to let you know about a 10% off code for face masks to mark the opening of the exhibition.