Sunday, 3 May 2015

Yes for Equality!

 I called in to the pop up Equality Store in the St Stephen's Green Shopping Centre which is selling items to fundraise for a Yes vote in the upcoming marriage referendum on May 22nd.
I bought a bunch of badges and also some car stickers 
("Tá" is the Irish word for Yes) 

I stuck car stickers on both the Smart Car and also my IQ.

I plan on sharing my badges with friends and family who are in support of equality for all!

The pop up shop is staffed by volunteers and will be open for the duration of the campaign selling t-shirts, tote bags, badges and other Yes equality goods with all proceeds going to the yes campaign.  The shop is also a centre point for people seeking information on the Marriage Referendum.

If you want to donate to the campaign you can do so here.


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