Monday 8 March 2021

Happy International Women's Day!

Pedal Power

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Libraries presents a special video for International Women's Day

It's 10 minutes long and a great watch......and you'll even catch sight of me on my bike with Bones in the basket!!

Freedom Machine

As a woman, cycling gives me freedom to get around quickly and conveniently. Coined as the "Freedom Machine" by Susan B. Anthony, I certainly feel free when I ride my bike!

Click here to see my account of cycling in to the city to attend a birthday party - what could be more free than that?!

School Day Cycling

Watching this video reminded me of how great it was to cycle to school when I was younger, being one of about 10 girls who cycled in a school of about 900 girls. My twin sister and I were always late for school and we needed to cycle fast to get to assembly on time. We must have looked a state with our gaberdines flying around as we cycled furiously in our uniform. Our uniform was a skirt and it may have been preferable to cycle in trousers and then change when we arrived.......but sure we never were on time to do that!!

Our best friend Alice was a cyclist too and we used to cycle home together. We pushed our bikes to Alice's house as she lived closest to the school and dawdled and chatted on the way to her house where we stood at the driveway and chatted some more......until.... Amy and I realised that we were going to be late for swimming classes if we didn't leave straightaway.  You can see a pattern here! And then it was off again, cycling home quickly to get our swimming gear and head down to the pool - on our bikes again!

I'm glad that my parents encouraged me to cycle as a child because as an adult I can now see the worth of forgoing the car and enjoying the bike. Cycling is great for my physical and mental health and honestly it makes my spirit happy and I feel young at heart when I am on the bike.

If you haven't cycled in years now is the time to get back on the saddle and enjoy the thrill of the ride!

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