Wednesday 22 April 2015

Work Commute

Here's a few pictures of parts of my commute to work everyday.  I tend to get stopped at lights at this part of Mespil Road near the junction of Baggot Street every day.

This building with the roof off, on Mespil Road, was formerly "The Flower Box" which I had blogged about before.

This is a large apartment block being built on Percy Place - no wonder the house beside it is up for sale!!!

This is heading towards Drumcondra and then the city as I drive home from work.

My commute takes me from one side of the city to the other and then out to North County Dublin.


  1. Replies
    1. About an hour on a good day Gill :-(

    2. that sucks, but is very normal I am afraid

    3. True Gill.

      I enjoy my job so I don't mind the commute so much. I just get in to the car and while the way listening to the radio or podcasts.

  2. You should move closer to where you work. That would help reduce your carbon footprint.


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