Wednesday 27 March 2013

Butlers Chocolate & Coffee Shop

I met a friend for coffee in Butler's this morning. Their coffee is strong and great tasting but even better than their coffee is their chocolates!! My friend and I sampled a Praline Butter, a milk truffle, a Baileys cream and the nicest a coffee cream. If you are looking for good Irish chocolate I don't think you can go wrong with Butler's - they even sell good quality cooking chocolate. As far as I know Butler's Chocolate have opened a concession in Abu Dhabi!


  1. Yum!!! It sounds like you live in Paradise!

    1. When I'm in a chocolate shop I'm in Paradise!

  2. Exsqeezme but who is this FRIEND???!!!!!!! *mad face*

    1. I am the mystery friend. We had a great time and the chocolate was fabulous. So, back off. I even did a can crush for her. : )


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