Monday 25 November 2013

Good morning!

This morning I'm having Honey Nut Cornflakes and milk from Adare Farm.

Do you need instructions how to open cardboard cereal boxes?!  

I'm currently reading Malcolm Gladwell's new book "David & Goliath: underdogs, misfits and the art of battling giants".  I really enjoyed The Tipping Point so I hope I enjoy this book as much.  Gladwell has a great way of explaining everyday occurrences and his theories have such practical uses.


  1. These milk bottles are so cute!! We get milk in plastic containers - read BORING...

    1. Milk in this glass bottle costs more then double milk in a carton - but my husband thinks it tastes really delicious and far better then milk from a carton. I think it is a really nice looking bottle! ;-)


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