Tuesday 19 November 2013

Pen Pals

Do you have a pen pal? Do you still communicate by letter?

When I was in school I had a pen pal for a few years.  Crystal, from Kentucky, and I regularly wrote letters to each other for a few years.  

I would imagine Crystal was quite disappointed when she read my letter when she got to hear of the mundanities I was getting up to in Ireland, in comparison to her own life which seemed very exciting to the 15 yr old me.

She sent me a photo of herself in one of her letters.  Posing at a party with a red party cup in hand with a crowd of boys in the background.  Tanned and relaxed looking, I was impressed by her, what I thought, was sophistication!

 I also was impressed by her disposable red cup.  Partyware in Ireland was a lot more basic and duller in comparison at that time.   Party cups came in one colour (white) and were about a third the size of a red cup!

So anyway with the advent of texting, email, Skype and what's app, etc I put the question to you do you still write letters to pen pals?


  1. I do NOT remember Crystal from Kentucky!

  2. I wish I'd had a faithful pen pal - it just never happened for me -
    SO - you can imagine how super thrilled i am with blogging.


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