Monday 17 August 2015

Amy Winehouse Documentary at the Rathmines Omniplex

I went to see "Amy" yesterday evening.  What an incredible talent she was.  It was really sad to see how her life and ultimately tragic death unfolded.  Perhaps her troubles were what made her so talented....or was it her talent that caused her troubles?

It's a tough watch (but enjoyable in parts - particularly the music) and I definitely recommend you go see it in the cinema.  

Sunday 16 August 2015

The best gifts are.......homemade!

It's my older sister's birthday shortly.  Last year she had a big birthday party where she received a lot of lovely presents including something nice from me.

This year, however, I decided to make something for her.  She has so much stuff that I was at a loss as to what I should get for her.  So homemade was definitely a better option.

I made her this lovely floral bunting.  She has a large back garden and often holds gatherings in it for family and friends so I think she will certainly have a use for this bunting as garden decoration.

Here it is all packaged up and ready to be given to her.

I wrapped it in cellophane and put a ribbon on it along with a tag that I sewed on my "Handmade By" label.

I'm very happy with how it turned out and hopefully my sister will be happy when she receives it next week!

Click here to see a small bunting tutorial and there is also a further link to my "No-Sew Bunting"

Saturday 15 August 2015

Irish Premiere of "Trainwreck"

I managed to snag 2 tickets to the Irish premiere of the new Amy Schumer film, "Trainwreck".  My twin sister was thrilled to hear this and kept uttering "Gold Dust" along with saying that it was amazing that I got the tickets!

The movie was screened in the Savoy Cinema - here are some pics of the red carpet before anyone had arrived.

Before the film started the stars of the film were introduced.  Here's Amy Schumer, Bill Hader, Vanessa Bayer  & Director Judd Apatow.  

They chatted a little, answered a few rehearsed questions and told a few jokes.  All very funny - and brilliant to see Hollywood stars in such close proximity.

The main event then began with the screening of the film written by Amy Schumer.

Afterwards, Amy (not Amy Schumer, but actually Amy B., my twin sister!) said that she thought the movie was very real and also very clever.  I gave a little bit of thought to what she said.  Like sure, it was clever, as most good comedies are.  But thinking about it more, I have to agree with her.  It was very clever.  The humour was clever and cleverly done in the sense that it wasn't playing for was as real and as funny as real life is.  For example, there was no over the top, funny but unbelievable, scenes like in say the movie "Bridesmaids" know the scene I'm talking about....the one that took place in the bridal store.  It's a funny scene but not one bit realistic and waaay over the top.  So for that reason I'd say, Yes, Trainwreck is very clever and also very "real".  It's extremely engaging, honest, funny and I could relate to it (probably because I fancy myself as a bit of a feminist!).....It's just a funny real life film which I think all women should go see!

When I got home  I went straight on IMDB to see who played Amy's sister in the movie.  I didn't recognize her from any films that I had seen but thought that she was excellent in the role. Stunningly beautiful but quietly unassuming, she was perfect.  Her name is Brie Larson  and although she has been in loads of films I haven't seen any of them.  I'll be watching out for her in future films!

Here's the obligatory cinema selfie of my twin and I!

Oh and to see what Amy (not Schumer Amy) thought, you can read her blog post about the event here!

Friday 14 August 2015

Getting Holiday Ready!

I'm heading from Ireland to California in a few short weeks at the beginning of September.  At this point I'm trying to get bikini ready for my trip.

Here's my tips for looking your best on vacation.

I love how my hair looks when I am on holidays.  When I am by the beach the salt water gives my hair great body and it looks beachy and relaxed.  Currently I am overdue a hair cut and my highlights also need to be touched up.  
However, I am waiting until the week before I go away to get my hair done.  This means that it will look its best for my trip!

In order to get a good tan while away you need to have ultra moisturized skin. While in the shower I use a body scrub to remove any dead skin and I've been religiously using lotion and cream every day and after showering.  As an extra you could also use a tanning moisturizer which will give you a tan base......but I'm not too bothered about this.

In order to get in to your best shape, it's best to start a good workout plan about 8-12 weeks before you go away. Unfortunately, I didn't give myself that length of time.  However, I am currently using a Fitness Blender Workout programme which seems to be working!  I would also recommend cutting carbs and eating clean in order to lose a few pounds.  Eating non processed food is an easy way to do this.

I will be exposing my feet on my holidays when I wear my nice holiday shoes so I need my feet to be in good shape.  I do find that once you have spent a day or two on the beach, your feet feel really good.  Walking in the sand massages off dead skin and bring your feet up really nicely.  Currently I have been using an awesome L'Occitane foot cream which is really moisturizing and smells so good.

Other than all of the above(!) I'm not doing anything else.

I'm currently using this Cidal soap.  It's cheap and cheerful, available in Boots, grapefruit flavoured and totally gorgeous!!!  You need to get some!  :-)

Do you have any tips to get bikini ready for vacationing?

Wednesday 12 August 2015

The Bake Off is back!

The Great British Bake Off started back last Wednesday and I am loving it!

We are big fans of it in work, so the day after the first episode, I brought in cake for my colleague who was celebrating her birthday. I was going to buy Madeira Cake as that is the first cake they baked on Bake Off but instead chose this divine Belgian Chocolate Cake. It tasted so good!!

I'm also reading Mary Berry's autobiography.  Mary is one of the judges on Bake Off and she has had a very interesting life.

Already I have spotted a few strong contenders on the show and even knew who was going to be sent home on the first week (Hipster Guy with hat who was very much style over substance).  I look forward to the rest of the season and hope we get another few laughs like we did on the first night when some poor contestants mousse filling didn't set and her cake turned out a right mess.  Poor lady - the look on her face was so pitiful.  It all turned out ok for her as she wasn't sent home so she lives to bake again!!

Do you watch The Great British Bake Off?  

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Love Lime!!!

I adore Lime!!  It's fresh and zingy and makes you feel super clean. I got this shower gel in Boots the other day.  Oh wow, it's amazing!!  In the morning time, it wakes you up and sets you up for the day.  After a workout, it is refreshing and relaxing.  You need to buy it if you like lime!!!

The reason I adore lime is that it brings me back to great times in Key West where I have holidayed over the past few years.  One of the things I love is to light my Vanilla Lime Yankee Candle and relax and think of the good times in Key West Florida. Bliss!

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Fitness Blender's 5 Day Workout Challenge to Burn Fat & Build Lea...

Our trip to California has crept up on us - it's only 4 weeks away and we still needed to book hotels and car.

We set about completing all of this yesterday evening and we have now got our holiday plans finalized.

We will be visiting Monterey and Santa Cruz and then heading back to San Francisco for a squash tournament.

With only 4 weeks to go until when I will be lying on a beach in a bikini I decided I'd better start back working out again so have started doing Fitness Blender again.  Boy they are tough but I sure feel good after I have finished each workout!  

I have taken some photos of me currently so will do a before & after blog post in 4 weeks.