Friday 8 April 2016

What I'm reading/watching....

What I'm reading..

As well as being in the middle of "Rabbit at Rest" (a great American read) by John Updike, I borrowed this little book from the Library.

 It's a memoir called "But you did not come back" by Holocaust survivor Marceline Loridan-Ivens. On the front of the book Le Parisen is quoted as saying it is "One of the most beautiful books of the will read it one sitting". Never a truer word was spoken.  It is a beautiful books and I read it in less than an hour (I did say it was very small!)

I found it unputdownable and I highly recommend you read this International bestseller.

What I'm watching....

I binge watched "Flaked" on Netflix (after the 4th season of House of Cards) and am now so sad because (1) I have nothing to watch now and (2) I also want to know where the story will go in Flaked and what will happen with Chip as he lives the hipster live in Hipsterville (otherwise known as Venice Beach!)

Starring Will Arnett as the main character it also stars Irish actress Ruth Kearney who looks like an upcoming star to me!

If you watch this show, do let me know what you think of it......

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