Saturday 11 April 2020

Good Friday with A Few Good Men

Good Friday this year started with an early morning walk around Ranelagh where we picked litter up as we walked the dog. If everyone took a few minutes every few days to clean up outside their house, we could find ourselves with lovely clean streets when lockdown finished.  I got my litter picker in Dealz but I am sure they are available in other shops too.
Other than that we had a fairly quiet day. Ciaran did a bit of work on an artwork proposal for a government initiative to support artists and encourage creativitiy during the pandemic.  
We both also did Spanish classes online and I signed up for an additional language app to support my language learning.

We went for another walk about 6pm and wandered around Ranelagh (always sticking to no more than 2km from our house and also ensuring we socially distanced from other walkers as we passed them) and then when we came home Ciaran had a Zoom meetup with a gang of friends.

Zoom has been quite the life saver in these times. On Thursday, Ciaran was in Zoom meetings pretty much all day with clients and also staff.....later after work he then did a Zoom work out with trainer / physiotherapist Derek Ryan and a group of guys that he plays squash with.  Technology is great!

At one point about 4.30pm I was on a Teams online meeting with the Library Finance Team and Ciaran was in one of his meetings and to be honest it just felt like the strangest thing ever. It's like we have advanced ourselves so rapidly in the last few weeks. I guess it is one of the good things that has come out of the pandemic.

And then it was on to our evening.  I cooked the nicest steaks with really great hasselback potatoes to go with them. I wish I took a picture as they were so good!

After flicking around Netflix and regular TV we finally settled on a film we could both watch. It was an oldie but a goodie - A Few Good Men! 

I put the below up on my Facebook and my twin sister commented from the States that she wished she could be there to watch it. Lol!

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