Saturday 6 February 2021

We found Bagels!

Look what we found - Bagels!

You have read about my search for bagels in a previous blog post (see here)

Well guess what we happened upon today! Yes bagels!

Aldi and Lidl - Malaga

We had decided to go to Aldi and Lidl to buy a few items that you can't get elsewhere, namely a block of cheddar cheese and a block of Stilton from Lidl along with some pre-made "Angels on Horseback" (dates wrapped in bacon) that just need to be heated up in the oven. Aldi doesn't actually have anything that we can't get elsewhere but in fairness it is a particularly nice Aldi so we like to go in for a browse to see what they have.

Well I was glad we went to Aldi today because what did we find among the special food items that they only have for a week or two and then when they are gone, they don't return for a few months? Yes Bagels.

We were so happy to find them that we bought a few packs in different varieties (plain, seasame and whole grain) and when we got home, I sliced them and then put them in to the freezer so that we can enjoy them over the next while!

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