Tuesday 25 June 2013

Street Party

On Sunday 23rd of June street parties were held all over Ireland as part of Street Feast 2013 (see www.streetfeast.ie)

Oh my gosh my neighbours put on some really great spreads. Some BBQ'd, some had cakes, some served champagne and one lady made gorgeous afternoon tea sandwiches with the crusts cut off. How posh!

It was such a fun afternoon and the rain held off until 6.30pm when we got washed out of it and ran for cover!


  1. Macaroons!!!!

    What did you do?
    Was it in aid of anything? Donations etc?

    I love those posh sandwiches! That woman has style!

  2. What did you bring?

  3. I brought 2 boxes of mini muffins (chocolate chip) and more importantly: wine!!!


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